Video SFW


Video SFW is one of intelligence tasks in the Filestack platform. It allows you to check if your videos contain unsafe content.

This task is only available at Filestack Workflows. Read more about Workflows here.

By default, Video tags and Video SFW tasks support videos that are up to 10 minutes long. Please contact our Sales Team if you are interested in increasing this limit.

Workflows Task Configuration

Video SFW task is available in the Intelligence tasks category in Filestack Workflows. To learn more about how to use the Workflows UI for configuring tasks (and the logic between them), visit Creating Workflows Tutorial.

Workflows Parameters

Task Name string Unique name of the task. It will be included in the webhook response.
Details boolean false Indicates if a detailed response should be returned.
As file boolean false Indicates if response should be returned as a file.


Here is an example of a webhook that you will receive once your video is processed. details key is only present when Details parameter set to true:

    "id": 88085450,
    "action": "fs.workflow",
    "timestamp": 1570438682,
    "text": {
        "workflow": "1401680c-1234-81b4-bae3-04166d1a96ee",
        "jobid": "2c22748c-ce65-4979-8071-530b467e4d8b",
        "createdAt": "2019-10-07T08:50:15.001357914Z",
        "updatedAt": "2019-10-07T08:57:42.180333126Z",
        "sources": [
        "results": {
            "video_sfw_task": {
                "data": {
                    "sfw": false,
                    "details": {
                        "unsafe_segments": [
                                "confidence": 93,
                                "start_offset": 141407,
                                "end_offset": 145411
                                "confidence": 87,
                                "start_offset": 181407,
                                "end_offset": 195411
        "status": "Finished",
        "ttl": 172800

Because the response can get large for longer videos, you can receive video processing results as a file by setting As file parameter to true. In this case, webhook will look like this:

    "id": 88085450,
    "action": "fs.workflow",
    "timestamp": 1570438682,
    "text": {
        "workflow": "1401680c-1234-81b4-bae3-04166d1a96ee",
        "jobid": "2c22748c-ce65-4979-8071-530b467e4d8b",
        "createdAt": "2019-10-07T08:50:15.001357914Z",
        "updatedAt": "2019-10-07T08:57:42.180333126Z",
        "sources": [
        "results": {
            "video_sfw_task": {
                "url": "",
                "mimetype": "application/json",
                "size": 8978
        "status": "Finished",
        "ttl": 172800

Please visit the webhooks documentation page to learn more.


Video SFW can be used in Workflow logic only when it was configured with As File parameter set to false

Video SFW task returns following response to the workflow:

  "data": {
    "sfw": false,
    "details": {}


  "data": {
    "sfw": true

Logic Parameters

data dictionary Includes the information of safe for work task.
sfw boolean Indicates whether the file is safe for work or not.
details dictionary This element is not useful in workflows logic.

Based on Video SFW response, you can build logic that tells the workflow how following tasks should be executed. For example, if you would like to delete a file that is not safe for work, you can use Remove Original task with following condition:

sfw eq false

This is how to configure this contidion in Workflows UI:

Visit Creating Workflows Tutorial to learn how you can use Workflows UI to configure your tasks and logic between them.

Video SFW Result

Below you can see how the result file is structured. Boolean value under sfw key indicates if video content is safe. When sfw is false, you can find a list of unsafe segments under unsafe_segments key. Each item contains a confidence score and a start/end offset (time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, when segment appears).

    "sfw": false,
    "details": {
        "unsafe_segments": [
                "confidence": 75,
                "start_offset": 5000,
                "end_offset": 7400
                "confidence": 95,
                "start_offset": 8800,
                "end_offset": 11200
                "confidence": 80,
                "start_offset": 11599,
                "end_offset": 19999