Easily transform, convert, and optimize images and files.

Instantly and Automatically Transform Any File or Image






Filestack’s image processing engine enables you to bulk-transform images simply by augmenting the image URL with conversion parameters.


Filestack’s conversion API enables conversions between all of the most common formats, including PDF’s, DOCS, PPTs, PNGs, and more.


The Original is Always Preserved

Every transformation is non-destructive and creates a new resource. The source file is always left unmodified. Generate endless thumbnails, variations, and responsive image sets.

See how easy it can be to instantly transform any file or image.

From Any Destination. To Any Format.

Use Filestack Upload to access images from virtually any source. Then use Filestack Transform to perfect them for your application.


Consistent, High Quality Output Files

Know that your output documents are high quality, every single time. When converting PDF and Powerpoint documents to images, you can even improve/adjust the resolution of the file that it generates by using the density parameter.

Integrate in Just Seconds!

No matter what language you code in, you can easily implement Filestack onto your application. We are easily implemented in any language.

Libraries & SDKs
Choose from our SDKs to get started: Javascript, Ruby, PHP, Python, Swift, Android

import * as filestack from 'filestack-js';
const client = filestack.init('YOUR API KEY');
client.upload(fileObject).then(data =>console.log(data.url));
gem 'filestack'
client = FilestackClient.new('YOUR_API_KEY', security: security_object)
filelink = client.upload(filepath: '/path/to/file')
$ composer require --prefer-dist filestack/filestack-php

use Filestack\FilestackClient;

$client = new FilestackClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
$filelink = $client-upload('/path/to/file');
$ pip install filestack-python

from filestack import Client client = Client("")

params = {'mimetype': 'image/png'}
new_filelink = client.upload(filepath="path/to/file", params=params)


Filestack is a purpose-build cloud platform designed to handle large-scale transformation needs across millions of files.


Powerful encryption and security keeps your content safe and allows Filestack’s API to work with even sensitive files and user images.


Offloading CPU intensive image and file conversions to Filestack can dramatically increase the speed of your sites and applications.

Let’s Get Started.

Talk to us about how simple it can be to instantly and automatically transform any file or image.​

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Filestack’s processing engine?

Filestack’s Processing Engine is a powerful system that allows developers to transform various types of files, including images, documents, and videos.

How can I transform files using Filestack?

You can transform your files either in real time by appending parameters to the URLs or asynchronously using Workflows.

What types of files can be transformed using Filestack?

Filestack can transform images, documents, and videos.

What types of transformations can be performed on images?

Filestack’s image transformations allow you to resize, crop, rotate, and apply filters to images on-the-fly using simple URL parameters.

What types of transformations can be performed on documents?

Filestack’s document transformations allow you to convert documents into different formats such as PDFs, DOCs, and PPTs using simple URL parameters or API calls.

What is the Intelligence System?

The Intelligence System provides insights into the contents of files, such as text extraction from PDFs and OCR for images.

How does Intelligent Ingestion™ work with transformations?

Intelligent Ingestion™ allows for faster and more reliable uploads by dynamically adjusting to changing network conditions while transformations are being applied in real-time

What are Transformations?

Transformations refers to operations performed using Filestack’s Processing Engine or Intelligence System to alter a file. This could be done in real time by appending parameters to the URLs, asynchronously using Workflows, or using the Transformation UI.

The generated URL for a transformed file is cached for 30 days; re-accessing it within this period counts as one transformation.

How using Transformation UI affects Transformation usage?

When you use the Transformation UI to preview an image with transformations applied, you are not charged for these transformations unless you open the result in a separate browser tab.

Is increasing the cache time possible to affect the transformation count?

Filestack allows you to disable caching or increase the cache period of a specific URL up to one year.

As long as the URL is cached, accessing it will not affect the Transformation count.

NOTE: If your files are not accessed frequently, they can be purged from the CDN regardless of your expiry settings.

How does video conversion affect my Transformation count?

The video conversion consumes your Transformation count based on the video quality and length. We use the following ratios to convert the length and quality of video/audio transcoding requests from your account to conversions:

  • Standard Definition (SD) transcoding: 2 transformations per second
  • High Definition (HD) transcoding: 3 transformations per second
  • Ultra High Definition (UHD) transcoding: 6 transformations per second
  • Audio transcoding: 3 transformations per second